Sunday 1 April 2012

Final Design Development

The biggest visual difference in the design here is the height of the back rest which I have almost halfed in size so it matches the base part better. Ive tryed to change the legs to so the seat slots into it and creates a nice curve at the front for comfort.

This page is all about changing the back rest so it is split in half but still supporting the back correctly once sat in.

The main change I made on this page is to change the connection from the back rest and the base by using two steal rod the same width as the legs.

Along the bottom of this page I have tryed to add a handle into the back rest to make the chair easier to move around but also I have looked at curving the front of the main seat to try and add comfort but keep the aggression.

Instead of curving the edges of the legs here I have tryed to add more aggression by flattening them off. I have also re designed the legs similiar to an older design so the seating position can be made aggressive. The back rest I have also played with taking more inspiration from a computer chair.

The first major thing I have done with this design is to put the legs seen in the design below on top of the chair instead and make them a stand out feature. On this page I have also played around with the shape of the legs mostly from orthographic drawings.

Theses are intial sketches from one of my orthographic drawings but trying to turn the flat image into a three dimentional  sketches with a focus on manufacture and making it more plausible to produce.

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