Sunday 29 January 2012

Aggressive Animals

I think the aggression in this image is the aerodynamics of the bird that all lead to the sharp claws and beak.

This image shows the iconic sign of aggression that is displayed by a cobra when it feels theatened. I can see the curve from the floor to the head as a back rest on a chair but I am not so sure it would look aggressive.

A pouncing cheater is again i icon image of aggression probally because it is done to kill and once it has got to this point the chance of getting away is very slim. I think maybe the form of the body and the shape of the legs as it is exploding ith power could be used in my chair.

The praying mantis is one of the most aggressive animals out there even though it is very small. In the particular image I really like the way the legs sprayout and look as though they are about to pounce at any moment.
Fighting tigers are agrressive in many ways. The power, teeth, craws and the reason for fighting all add aggression to the situation. How I could capture this in a chair i am not so sure. The bold fur and striking colours are used to warn emermys in nature so i could use the same bright colours in a chair.

Elephants arnt normal seen as an aggressive animal like the tigers etc but the size of them and the large tusks make them a frightening animal and the image above shows them fighting I think is one f the more aggressive I have found. I think in a chair maybe the tusks and head could be used to create a back rest and arm rests.

Similar to another image I have theses are fighting tigers but here there is more poisbility to take forms from the animals and put it into chairs. For example the back legs coiled up ready to pounce and the shape of the body as they twist to gain an advantage.

The wolf snarling is again an iconic image but when thinking why it is aggressive the only thing I instantly think of is the teeth but that cant be all. The wrinkled up face could be adding to this or the reason for snarling and that we link it to attacking its pray.

Sitting Postions

Theses images show the first four sitting postions I could think of once shown the project brief. Theses for me are the most commanly used. I personally like to slouch back into my chair like in the second image but then when using a table so for example drawing I like to be up close like the final image. The correct seating postions in a medical sense however are very up right with a straight back but from observation not many people do this.

Friday 27 January 2012

Aggressive chair inspiration

(Twister chairs by Swedese) I think the aggression here is in the pointed surface created by all the stools put together.  

(BD Ediciones Bench 2002) Although this bench is rounded in a lot of ways I just find the to triangles coming from the middle distrub the smooth form. This distrubtion is a intersting concept

(Zig Zag chair by Gerrit Rickveld) Here I am simply looking at the angles. I think anything chair with angles this extreme is going to look aggressive.

(Heller Acrobellini chair) The aggression I see in this chair is the movement in the form as if it is attacking and pouncing forward. I also think this idea could be taken futher.

(Kallemo Puma chair) Personally I feel like this chair has been designed from a insect as it has almost like a angular shell s the seat and then the arm rests are pointed forward almost like claws.

(Kronstantin Grcic Choas chair)The materials used here are very much not aggressive but I think the grove down the middle of the seat could be seen as aggressive.

(Poul kjaerholme PK0) Again similar to another chair ive looked at I see this chair like an insect but in this case its like its creeping forward ready to attack.

(Poul Kjaerholme PK24) I see the aggression in this chair being the powerful curved seat supported by a minimal frame. This power and movement towards the end of the seat I think is aggressive.

(Ron Arad After Spring/Before Summer)

(Ron Arad Rocking chair) Although this chair is very futuristic and organic I feel like it looks as thought it is moving forward and this movement as signs of aggression. I think something as small as movement in a chair can be enough to convay agression.

(Sawaya and Moroni) This chair reminds me of something out of a alien invation film and again very much like insects. I think this scalely odd shaped chair is aggressive because of the unknown.

(Tom Dixon Bird Chaise) The aggression I see here is all in the angular forms.

(Bulkhard Vogtherr Armilla Chair) The side view of this chair is what i see as aggressive. I like the way the angle of the back rest flows all the way down and then there is just one over shape creating the arm rests. It is very much triangular and therefore I see as aggressive.